タグ: interactive
Online Oyakodon
We connected online with a guest in Tokyo and had a private class of Oyakodon. We enjoyed cooking together even if we were away!
オンライン親子丼を予約する/Book ONLINE Oyakodon
Sakura cook +81-(0)6-6626-9088 contact@sakuracook.jp
Chicken Ramen / ONLINE class
Overview 概要 
Get ramen recipes that you can easily make at home. You will learn how to make noodles, soup and toppings from scratch. If you want to learn vegan ramen, please contact us in advance.
Preparation 事前準備
Ingredients and Utensils 食材と道具
Before the class starts, you need to prepare the ingredients and kitchen utensils. Below are the main ingredients and utensils. For details, see the “Preparation list”.
Main ingredients: flour, chicken wing, green onion, sweet corn, sugar, soy sauce, salt, ginger, garlic
Main utensils: rolling pin, cutting board, kitchen knife, pan, frying pan, stove, bowl, strainer, measuring cup, tablespoon, teaspoon
Cooking level: intermediate 料理レベル:中級
Duration : 2 hours 所要時間:2時間
Cooking steps 調理のステップ
1. Boil Chicken broth 鶏出汁を煮る
2. Make noodle dough 麺の生地を作る
3. Cook toppings トッピングを料理する
4. Stretch the dough and cut into noodles 生地を伸ばして麺にカットする
5. Add the boiled noodles and toppings to the soup スープに茹でた麺とトッピングを加える
Business hours / 22:00-13:00 at GMT (7:00-22:00 at JST)
開講時間/GMT(グリニッジ標準時間)22:00-13:00 日本時間7:00-22:00
Capacity and price (Tax included) 定員と税込価格
Regular price : 26,000JPY / 1 to 2 people
Launch campaign price (until April 30th, 2020) : 20,800JPY / 1 to 2 people
* Children up to 10 years can join together free of charge.
オンライン・チキンラーメンを予約する/Book ONLINE Chicken Ramen
Sakura cook +81-(0)6-6626-9088 contact@sakuracook.jp
Vegan sushi / ONLINE class
Overview 概要
We arranged sushi for vegans. Vegetables, beans and fruits are used for toppings and no animal food is used. Let’s master delicious and healthy sushi.
Preparation 事前準備
Ingredients and Utensils 食材と道具
Before the class starts, you need to prepare the ingredients and kitchen utensils. Below are the main ingredients and utensils. For details, see the “Preparation list”.
Main ingredients: cooked rice, red paprika, eggplant, shiitake mushroom, avocado, boiled mix beans, okura, nori (dried seaweed), rise vinegar, sugar, soy sauce
Main utensils: cutting board, kitchen knife, pan, frying pan, stove, bowl, measuring cup, tablespoon, teaspoon
Cooking level: intermediate 料理レベル:中級
Duration : 1.5 hours 所要時間:1時間30分
Cooking steps 調理のステップ
1. Make vinegared rice 酢飯を作る
2. Prepare toppings 寿司ネタを準備する
3. Make rice balls シャリを作る
4. Complete nigiri sushi and gunkan maki 握り寿司と軍艦巻きを完成する
Business hours / 22:00-13:00 at GMT (7:00-22:00 at JST)
開講時間/GMT(グリニッジ標準時間)22:00-13:00 日本時間7:00-22:00
Capacity and price (Tax included) 定員と税込価格
Regular price : 20,000JPY / 1 to 2 people
Launch campaign price (until April 30th, 2020) : 16,000JPY / 1 to 2 people
* Children up to 10 years can join together free of charge.
オンライン・ビーガン寿司を予約する/Book ONLINE Vegan sushi
Sakura cook +81-(0)6-6626-9088 contact@sakuracook.jp
Oyakodon / ONLINE class
Overview 概要
Oyakodon is a Japanese home meal with chicken and egg on rice. You can cook with just one pan and simple ingredients.
Preparation 事前準備
Ingredients and Utensils 食材と道具
Before the class starts, you need to prepare the ingredients and kitchen utensils. Below are the main ingredients and utensils. For details, see the “Preparation list”.
Main ingredients: chicken thigh, onion, egg, cooked rice, sugar, soy sauce
Main utensils: cutting board, kitchen knife, pan, stove, measuring cup, tablespoon, teaspoon
Cooking level: beginner 料理レベル:初級
Duration : 30 minutes 所要時間:30分
Cooking steps 調理のステップ
1. Cut ingredients 食材をカットする
2. Make soup with seasonings 調味料を合わせて出汁を作る
3. Put the ingredients in the soup and stew 出汁の中に食材を入れて煮込む
Business hours / 22:00-13:00 at GMT (7:00-22:00 at JST)
開講時間/GMT(グリニッジ標準時間)22:00-13:00 日本時間7:00-22:00
Capacity and price (Tax included) 定員と税込価格
Regular price : 8,000JPY / 1 to 2 people
Launch campaign price (until April 30th, 2020) : 6,400JPY / 1 to 2 people
* Children up to 10 years can join together free of charge.
オンライン親子丼を予約する/Book ONLINE Oyakodon
Sakura cook +81-(0)6-6626-9088 contact@sakuracook.jp
Welcome to our ONLINE INTERACTIVE cooking class
Sakura Cook offers a new style of cooking class using the cloud video conferencing system ZOOM. You can learn delicious and healthy Japanese food anywhere in the world.
In this class, you are not just watching a demonstration. You cook with your instructor. Yes, your kitchen and Sakura Cook’s kitchen are connected by video and audio!
All you need for ONLINE experience is a smartphone, tablet, or computer with a camera. After you book, simply click on the URL received from Sakura Cook and our class will begin.
What an exciting new cooking class! Let’s get started together!
Sakura Cookは、クラウドビデオ会議システムZOOMを使った新しいスタイルの料理教室を提供します。世界中どこにいても美味しくてヘルシーな和食を学ぶことができます。
このクラスでは単にデモンストレーションを見るのではありません。あなたはインストラクターと一緒に料理をするのです。そう、あなたのキッチンとSakura Cookのキッチンは映像と音声で繋がります!
オンライン体験に必要なのは、スマートフォンかタブレット、カメラ付のパソコン。予約後にSakura Cookから届くURLをクリックするだけで私たちのクラスが始まります。
オンラインクラスを予約する/Book ONLINE Classes
Sakura cook +81-(0)6-6626-9088 contact@sakuracook.jp